A few days ago

Super Scared for highschool?

im super scared for high school. I dont really have any friends going with me. i have a couple but i have no classes with them. i have to take the bus for the first time also. Im so scared im gonna throw up like the first day of school and im gonna be made fun of. Ill have a panic attack and throw up. Everybody says il be ok but that doesnt help. Can you help me? maby tell me how to help myself or about ur first day of h.s. thank you

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I know how you feel! My parents moved around an awful lot and I was always having to go to new schools.

No friends (except my older sister but she doesn’t count) and its hard when you don’t know anybody and all these other kids have been hanging around since they were in Kindergarden.

What I learned to do was to take a deep breath, and remember that most of them were just as scared as I was. Ya know? Like maybe they were the best in whatever sport at their elementary school, but at high school there are more than just the same kids.

Get involved in your new school, get on sports teams, join some clubs, heck even just walking down the hall with your head held up and looking people in the eye gives you a big boost mentally.


A few days ago
I’m not American, so no high school, but I went to grammar school here, which is the same thing.

Lots of people go to schools where their friends don’t. And those whose friends do go with them sometimes feel that this prevents them from making new friends, they cling to who they know and are more reluctant to join in with new people, and make the effort to meet new people.

Just be yourself and try to talk to people. My first day was a complete blur, but since I didn’t have any of my old school friends with me, I started talking to people in my new classes and I got talking to my current best friends that day.

Just remember that everyone goes through this, that you aren’t the only one feeling so scared.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Im in the same boat. Dont worry just think your not the only one. I bet if you ask any of your friends they will say that they are scared too. I say if you dont want to get lost or anything if you can go to you school and just explore,find your class, your locker stuff like that. Dont worry. you will probably make tons of new friends and have lots of fun : D