A few days ago

Should multiculturalism permeate the curriculum?

Should multiculturalism permeate the curriculum?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Shivani Sharma

Favorite Answer

curriculum can be modified to some extent to permeate a culture of a country but it should not be indulged to to go deep into the multinational cultures..

A few days ago
I think it should because I have directly seen WONDERFUL results when I teach multiculturalism. I’ve found that when it becomes part of my curriculum I am more passionate about the materials, and my students seem more engaged too. By the end of the unit I sense a deeper feeling of empathy among us. But my own teaching philosophy is that schools shouldn’t just spit out workers but schools should also help students discover themselves and their own potential. So if you agree with that ideal than multiculturalism goes along with a greater world understanding…

A few days ago
usha lall
This is the time to penetrate into the culture of others.It enables us to be broadminded and shut shallowness..so multiculturalism must permeate curricullum so that coming generation should have awareness of the globe,the culture of other countries.

A few days ago
No way , let’s be serious , in order to get a job you need to show you school history and past works , period.

Being multiculti looks cool but only on TV shows , not in the global competition.

It’s of secondary importance.


A few days ago
It already has in some countries

A few days ago
it should because the world is much smaller than it used to be

A few days ago
I think its fine the way it is.