A few days ago

raising my gpa?

Okay in a nutshell my gpa isn’t that great. I have a 2.3 but I need to get at least a 3.0. The problem is for my major I have already taken all of the courses. Even if I get all A’s at best my gpa would be a 2.7. My goal is to be in my program with two years. Would it be better if I left my current university and switch to another and then comeback to my original university?What is the fastes and cheapest way?Thanks you guys

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
christina g

Favorite Answer

first off leaving your univeristy and going to another is not going to affect your GPA in any way. You may want to see if your university has some kind of grade replacement clause…. i know where i go a student can re-take a course…make sure to file for grade replacement …. both grades for the class show up on your transcript but only your re-take is factored in to your GPA…. its not cheap but it will help raise your GPA. If your trying to get in a specific program…. go talk to the advisor… explain your desire to get in the program and then see if they will let you re take courses in order that you can get admitted intothe program…. GOOD luck and just don’t give up

A few days ago
joshua l
maybe u need to get high grades or either talk with ur consuler