A few days ago

plss help<<
if you could be a principal for a day

what problem would you try

to solve at your school?? in a

essay answer pls..

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If I were the principal at my school I would definitely change the time between class periods. That would solve student tardiness and there would be less bumping into each other trying to rush to class. At the end of school we should have advisory to help students know what to take home for homework and get organized. After gym class there should be plenty of time to take showers. Then more people would take them. Cafeteria food would definitely change. No longer shall students be forced to eat slop that looks like ground beef, but is actually fish sticks. If I were principal at school students would have more say in what to do. If I were principal things would go alot smoother.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to read this. I am going to give you a star for a very thoughtful interesting question!