A few days ago

ok i need HELP with my career options…..please tell me what occupations relate to these intrests……….?

ok so my intrests are:

interviewing people and asking people questions



acting and the theatre


correcting spelling errors, because im good at spelling

rewiewing things and writing about them

LOVE little kids

love movies and TV

reading good books

love modellingbut , im not tall enough,dont know if theres other sorts of modelling that dont require only tall people

love magazines

dying to go to america and london to work also for a holiday

love photographs

love hotels….

love dolphins and horses

LOVE talking and playing with little kids


and yea thats all i can think of for now. Please please help me

find and occupcation that relates to or some of these intrests………….thankyou so so much

xx thnx

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Happystuff πŸ™‚

Favorite Answer

I think you could be good at a reporter …. πŸ™‚

A few days ago
Sounds like you’d fare well in media/publishing. Try going to mediabistro.com and looking at some of the positions in those fields.