A few days ago

Locker Problem?

In a new high school there are a 250 lockers number from I to 250. During lunch, the students decide to try an experiment. They will walk into the school one at a time .Time student will open all the locker doors.The second student will change all the locker doors with even numbers. The third student will change all the locker doors with numbers that are the multiples of three, closing doors that are open and opening doors that are closed.The fourth student will change the position of all doors numbered with multiples of four ; the fifth student will change the position of all the doors that are multiples of five and so on. After a 250 students enter the school , which locker doors will be open?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

i had the same problem, except it was only 100 lockers. basically, the only ones left open are perfect squares ( 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, etc.)

so find all your perfect squares and youll have the anwser.