A few days ago

is that okay to transfer from UC to UC?

i am a student of a community college, because of the timing problem i don’t think i can transfer in the fall term, but i want to go to UCLA or UC Berkeley that they only take new student for fall, so my plan is go to UC Davis in spring. Because i don’t think that i can wait one more semester, I am wounder is that possible to transfer from UC Davis to UCLA or UC Berkeley?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

According to the University of California:

Intercampus Transfers

After you enroll at a UC campus, it may be possible for you to transfer to another UC campus. Applications for intercampus transfer are considered in light of the applicant’s personal circumstances and the availability of space in the prospective major. Students who want to transfer from one UC campus to another must submit an application for undergraduate admission during the appropriate filing period. Some campuses do not accept intercampus transfers who have completed more than 120 quarter (80 semester) units. Students who satisfy the lower division general education/breadth requirements at a UC campus prior to transferring to another UC campus are considered to have satisfied the lower division general education breadth requirements at the UC campus to which they transfer. At UCR, this option is not available to students transferring to The Bourns College of Engineering. At UCSD, transfer reciprocity is available to students transferring to Warren, Marshall, Muir and Sixth colleges. Students who select Revelle or Eleanor Roosevelt college must satisfy the general education requirements of that college.

Source: http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/transfer/tr_inter_camp.html

Keep in mind that community college students get first priority for admissions. UC to UC transfer does not have a particularly high success rate at competitive campuses like Berkeley or UCLA.


A few days ago
Brandon W
It is possible. UC to UC is a lot easier than going from a UC to a CSU or vice versa.

You will have to get an official transcript from UC Davis, and all other colleges you have attended, and take them to UCLA or Berkeley in order to get full credit for the courses you have taken already.


A few days ago
Yes, you can; however, make sure that the requirements of your degree program are the same at both UC’s. You dont want to take courses at UC Davis that will not transfer. Yes, they will tell you they will transfer, but it is not always the case.

Good luck!!


A few days ago
That should be possible, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s better to just transfer to your top choice when you can. There are requirements for transfering, and transfering back and forth will get tough.