A few days ago

Im starting junior high in about 2 weeks and i want to know what to do to get adjusted as quickly as possible.

i want to make tons of friends, get good grades, be happy, and have tons of fun!!!!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

well having a plan is the first step and it sounds like you already have one of those…!!! GL2Y

A few days ago
Betsy D
Learn to walk quickly. Especially if you have to use the bathroom in school sometimes. You don’t want to be late to classes, and junior high schools are usually bigger than elementary schools.

Get a very sturdy backpack for all your books. Bring LOTS of extra pencils and paper. In junior high, everyone always asks to borrow things, so you can make a lot of friends this way 😉

Do your homework with your friends in a group to make it more fun. If you are worried that you won’t get it done, try to go to the library with your parents so you will do some work there instead.

Make sure you do something fun every day so you don’t get stressed out. If you like sports, reading, drawing, playing an instrument, etc., try to do at least 15-30 minutes of this every day. No matter what anyone says, you need a break sometimes!

Try to sleep enough! It’s really hard for everyone, but try to get at least 7-8 hours a night. People who are tired a lot will not be as happy!


A few days ago

That’s awesome I bet you’ll have a good time and make lots of memories..first off get yourself involved in a lot of school activities..ie..sports,clubs. That will keep you focused on academics as well as get you close to lots of good friends and you’ll be sure to have tons of fun the safe way…try not to hang around clicks and stuff just be you and you’ll attract people just like you..Have a blast this year. Hope that helps. I loved junior high and high school:)


A few days ago
then be yourself, i know its corny and everyone tells you that, but its true. here are some actual tips thou:

#1. get a seat in the second or third row. second is best. that way the teacher actually sees you, but no one thinks you’re a suck-up.

#2. get invovled. join or club or a sport, something you love. that way you’ll meet people that have common interests.

#3. be confident. practice smiling, normally. think of something funny as you walk down the hall, but only funny enuf to put a smile on your face ( u dont want to be laughing byurself, people will think ur crazy)

#4. wear clothes that you feel good in, and its a bonus if no one else will have it. i always re-vamp tee-shirts and jeans so that no one in the entire world has one like mine. put together something cute that makes you feel hott.

#5. be THAT GIRL, that isn’t afraid to talk to the boys. if you see a guy you think is cute, chat with him like you would a friend.

#6. remember, no matter what people say, they are just as nervous as you are.

smile, and goodluck. i’m going into my junior year of college, so i’ve already been thru jr high, high school, and most of college. these tips are tried and true-they work amazing!


A few days ago
Great question First you have to conquor yourself. This will take sometime. Then you need to know how to work with people. Then you must study. Then to be happy means staying healthy meaning excercise meaning all kinds. Healthy body means happy person. Then to have tons of fun means to start engaging in something that you always wanted to do. Go get em.

A few days ago
Well it sounds like you just want to have a dandy time, and for the most part you will. Middle school takes some getting used to but once you adjust I think you will like it better than elementary. You have a lot more freedom but also more responsibility. Remember school comes first, friends and social life comes second. Get those two mixed up and your in for some trouble. Otherwise just enjoy your time in middle school!

A few days ago
just be yourself. junior high is an akward time for everyone regardless and youll definatley have your ups and downs. its a fun time no matter what, and youll grow up a ton. youll meet all new people in your classes and as much as junior high is a big change from grade school, the classes arent that hard. good luck!

A few days ago
Well don’t push yourself into fit in anywhere. Just be yourself and have fun don’t let people tell you things that aren’t true. Middle schoolers can be evil. Don’t listen to them nag at you cause they will do that to get you down. Don’t let them get you down. Concentrate on your studies middle school ain’t no vacation. So that way make time for friends during the weekends and make sure you don’t drop your grades. Good lucke!!!

A few days ago
I met my friends in middle school by playing sports. Find some kind of a club or group you can join to meet people. Then don’t be shy! As long as you were a good student in elementary school you shouldn’t have a problem in middle school with grades either. Good luck!

A few days ago
well i’m in 8th grade this year and here are a few tips i think might help:

*make tons of friends

* sit with different ppl at lunch

* don’t gossip (hard i know)

* don’t get a bf too fast

* put education as your top priority

* do sports or a club

* try out band or chorus

* smile tons!

* have fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck 🙂


A few days ago
Find the biggest kid and beat him up the first day…no, wait, that’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re starting off in prison. My bad.

Oh, I know…how about this: (1) keep your eye on the prize and really hammer the academics. Good grades in JH will help you in HS, college and ultimately life. (2) Be true to yourself. Like Star Trek? Screw everyone, be a trekkie. Like blues music? Get a guitar and have at it. When you’re out of school, you’ll look back at the kids who did their own thing with admiration, respect and a tinge of envy. (3) Join a team – sports, band, whatever. It’s fun, you’ll really connect with other kids, and you’ll either get stronger or better at something. Bonus points for learning how to dance.