A few days ago

I need to ask 3 people questions about journals for school?

1. What type of record do you keep?

2. Why did you start to do this?

3. Why do you continue or why did you stop?

4. What would you advise me to write down in a journal?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I keep a journal of ,my day to day activities and my thoughts. I started of and on since i was in middle school, but last year as a freshman, I started writing in it regularly. I continue because I want a record of my high school year when I get older, and because it helps me think if i am writing in stream of consciousness(as the thought comes to my head.) I would advise you to write what I write. It helps make decisions, and I just get to record things I don’t want to forget. I don’t write like, I went to school today, but like, today at school i had a fight with someone, and why, stuff like that.. not like what happened, but what i want to remember

A few days ago
i keep a record of all the big things that happen in my life like major medical procedures and things of the nature

i started to do this because when im gone i think it would be nice for my kids to see how it was growing up when i did to give them a diferent view on life

i continue for the same reason i started to give my kids a new outlook on life when they are older

i would tell you to write whatever comes to you in a journal its yours and you should make it that way