A few days ago

I need some help from someone who’s good at English please…..yes it’s me again lol?

Well I have asked almost the same question a few minutes ago and got really great responses. Now thatI rewrote the whole thing again, I need help…again πŸ™‚

Well it’s a paragraph that has so many mistakes and I have to rewrite it in a better and a more creative way. I chamged so many stuff in it but I think it probably still have some mistakes. So can you please tell me if you can find something wrong or just rewrite it in a better and a more formal way.

It’s like that now: This is a proof of enrollment to establish that X has only one semester left for her X certificate and that she has been enrolled at our school, X School, for the Spring Semester 2008 starting January 30th and ending May 26th. She will have her certificate once she has passed the final exams in May 2008.

I replaces the names with X

Thaks in advance!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Joe K

Favorite Answer

This is to prove the enrollment of Jane Doe and to establish that she has one remaining semester at this institution for completion of a Certificate of _______. This also asserts that Jane has been enrolled at our institution, John Doe’s University, for the 2008 Spring semester starting January 30th and ending May 26th. Pending final grades at the end of the Spring semester, Jane will receive a certificate in __________.

A few days ago

This shows proof of enrollment that christine has only one semester before her clever certificate is given out and that she has now been enrolled at our school, happy/sad school, for the Spring semester (2008) from january the 30th to may the 26th. She will be given her certificate once she passes the final exams in may 08.