A few days ago

help on how to call numbers with letters?

ok so kind of like when you call those rado places or advertisements, it’s like “call 1-800-fun-now. or something.

how do you call the fun now part? like do you do it like you would text (like click the number button twice for [example an “e”] ) or do you just press the button that has that certain letter on it? if you don’t get it let me know.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

2 is abc, 3 is def, 4 is ghi, 5 is jkl, 6 is mno, 7 is pqrs, 8 is tuv, and 9 is wxyz

so, 1-800-fun -now would be 1-800-386-669. problem is, not enough letters for a number in the US


A few days ago
you just press the number where the letter is located ONCE for every letter