A few days ago
southern belle <3

Do colleges notice freshman year grades?

Well i am going into my sophmore year in high school and i am starting to think a little about college. Well my freshman year (last year) i did not try at all. I started out with all A’s and two B’s but it went all down hill because i started worrying to much about what my social life and now about my school work. Well my question is do colleges take notice of the freshman year to much? These next three years i am going to buckle down and get my very best grade but will this affect anything or no?


Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Colleges do look at freshman year grades. However, the first thing they will look at is your overall GPA. If you apply yourself through the rest of high school, you can pull up your overall GPA and demonstrate your overall ability. Then, if asked about your freshman year grades, you can explain that it took you awhile to figure things out in high school, but that you got the hang of it and improved. Your improvement and overall GPA will make the difference for you. Good luck!

5 years ago
Get extremely involved in those clubs and try to win competitions associated with them. Hopefully, you can get voted president of 1 or 2 of them. Don’t let your grades drop, because colleges see your whole transcript, but if you say get an A every year in some course, lets say english, then you get a B or something, colleges also will know that you probably had a really tough teacher. So they look at that too.

A few days ago
They look at your GPA (most definitely when it comes to scholarships) and the difficulty of the courses you took (if they look at that at all). They want to see that you’ve taken at least two years of a foreign language, and they like when you’re a joiner (sports, choir, or whatever).

Mainly, get your overall GPA as high as you can, and take the ACT or SAT before you go to college. If you ‘buckle down’ then you will see your overall GPA rise (slowly, over time). Shoot for a GPA that can get you into the National Honors Society, which then look likes a little sticky star on your transcripts to colleges, bringing scholarships your way.

The best of luck and skill to you, and I hope this helps.


A few days ago
Phillip N
with college admissions harder, to some degree–yes. but a few B’s in 9th can be forgivable. theres nothing you can do now. move on

from now on:

get lots of A’s

take ap courses/exams

write a killer essay. my friend got an F once. wrote killer essay. got into great colleges

just don’t give up


A few days ago
they do but if they saw that u improved then they dont look at it very much…as long as u have a good gpa and act and asat results…good luck!