A few days ago

I’m confuse , my science teacher told me that we have evolved from a dumb ape like monkey..?

but pastor Bob told me the Al Mighty goD made us with dust… how can i explain this goD’s words to my dumb teacher?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Mr Universe

Favorite Answer

simple proof: the only way to disprove something is to prove it never happened. Tell your ape-decendant teacher that if evolution happened, then the earth would have formed from a lava rock and then ooze forms on rock and then worms grow and so on. Then ask him why different types of granite rock, which he says would have formed from cooling molten rock, are present next to each other. If it was liquid and cooled down eventually, then all the liquids would have mixed together or maybe in layers like oil over water. One granite type can be next to one or two other types side-by-side in a quarry. Unless maybe it formed INSTANTANEOUSLY. Also, there are radioactive isotopes (decaying radiactive elements) known as polonium halos formed/locked into granite which wouldn’t be there unless it was formed instant-like with extremely rapid cooling.

Here is some places that explains it all: http://www.geologynet.com/granite1.htm and those darn silly facts disproving it being pointed out in this paper: http://www.rense.com/general20/graniteAL.htm

So the question is not if we came from apes but how did granite form/cool quickly? and I mean all granite and not just some. And if that can’t be answered, then tell him that he shouldn’t be teaching something if he doesn’t know all the facts.

There are some insects that only feed on cow dung. Ask him how they survived for the next few million years waiting for a cow to evolve and then poop.

And if he inists that we are still evolving, well then survival of the strongest applies and punch him in the arm. if he calls the principal, then he’s going against the very essence of your “evolutionary” instinct.

The granite thing is so easy to prove so maybe stick with that.


5 years ago
Western thought today is in the midst of a raging battle between religion and science. It is almost impossible for a western thinker today to accept the fact that there may be a meeting ground between religion and science. The Bible, in which the Christians believe, states that the tree from which the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was forbidden to eat was the tree of knowledge. Thus, after he ate from it, he gained certain knowledge that he had not had before. For this reason, Europe spent two centuries arguing whether or not to accept scientific knowledge coming from Muslims. The Church ruled that the pursuit of such scientific knowledge was the cause for the original sin. The bishops drew their evidence from the Old Testament, where it is mentioned that when Adam ate of the tree and gained some knowledge, Allah was displeased with him and denied him mercy. Scientific knowledge was therefore rejected entirely by the Church as a taboo. Finally, when the free thinkers and scientists of the West were able to overcome the power of the Church, they took revenge by going in the opposite direction and suppressing any power of the religion. They went to all possible extremes in order to overcome the power of the Church and reduce its influence into a narrow and a confined corner

A few days ago
It’s all in how you interpret the evidence.

My college biology class, being based on evolutionary theory, saw what gets labeled a “tailbone” on the spinal column. From that point of view, it is a useless appendage, left over from a pre-evolutionary state of an ancestor that still gets passed on to you.

From my Creationist point of view, it is what we land on so very many times as we learn to walk, ride a bike, fall, etc. that is God’s way of protecting the vertebrae of the spine.

If there were no “tailbone”, we would all be paralyzed before we could ever learn to walk because we would land on the active spinal vertebrae.

Looks like lovingly planned creation to me. Just a thought.


A few days ago
Apes aren’t dumb…plus they share 99% of our genes. It appears that you think everyone is ” dumb ” except Pator Bob and you.

A few days ago
i think that teachers are under the law to teach evolution.{we came frome apes}but the word of God teaches us that we were born of Adam and Eve who were created by God,Adam from the dust of the earth and Eve from Adams rib.

A few days ago
Your teacher is right–just look at a picture of G.W Bush for proof.