A few days ago

I don’t feel well please help ;-)?

I’m extremelly good at what I do, I have a very high IQ however ridiculous that may may sound. According to Mensa testing, I belong to the few hundred percent most intelligent people. I fared way higher on logic than on culture, meaning that my IQ is natural not acquired. In fact most my teachers where appales that I dared do well. However, I don’t feel too clever and I don’t suppose you would find me too clever either.

The very proof I’m not too clever, is that I can’t escape the dreadful job I have to go to tomorrow.

So, do you have any idea for me? Cheers.

Oh, please don’t tell me I’m nuts, because although I have a strong hint I may be, it’s not for the same reasons, thank you.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Life is all about choices, and whether we realize it or not, we are each in control of our own destiny. You can change jobs.

A few days ago
Try this.

If you are so unhappy with your current job…change jobs ! First… find your ” passion ” in life. What are your interest’s, hobbies,likes, etc. Once you have asked yourself the tough question as to what you want to do with your life over any other thing, then go after it and never give up. Set short term goals and outline the steps to achieve the goal at hand.

Example: My goal is,

Step # 1

Step #2

and so on.

Cross off the steps in order of what you have to do first, second, etc. As you cross off each step and completed them

you should have reached your main goal. This system works only if you write it down and stick to it until completed.

You can do this. You can’t know where your going until you know where you have been.

Best Wishes for a happier and full life.


A few days ago
Mensans do better when they have their own companies.

It annoys the heck out of us that so much at work is being done ineptly. Start your own business, if you are able ! You have the brains, just find the courage.

Also, a thought. If you are young, and not yet formally educated past jr college level, you may have the brains but not the knowledge. Feed your mind, and change your life.


A few days ago
You are a unique person i know, however, be calm and smart

remember each of us have possess different skills and talent in everything we do. Remember we should be grateful that the LORD has given us all that gifts. Be happy and active what you have now in life never mind what’s in your mind be realistic that you are what you are. So smile to every body they will be good to you.


A few days ago
yeah what the first guy said but anyways its just a job you have a high i.q but your not that mature if u want to try to get out of a job

and instead of talking just ask the question i really dont care about i.q

PS:no one cares about your i.q and it does not matter for this situation you sound obnoxious so its probably your first job so at ur age i.q doesn’t matter, you can only go so far


A few days ago
You’re not alone. Not many people want to go to their jobs tomorrow. The people who like their jobs aren’t necessarily the smartest people, they’re just the ones who decided what they wanted and went for it. The rest of us, smart as we may be, trudge on without the courage or gumption to rise above it.

A few days ago
You don’t mention your age but I’m wondering….is your job just something minimum wage that you have to have to get you through school right now. If it is don’t fret…..it’s not something you’ll be doing for the rest of your life. It’s only temporary. Best of luck.

A few days ago
well seems as you are soooo intelligent, why not sort your spelling out, the way you write questions, and think about venturing into further education to get you a better job!

A few days ago
ben t
What is your job? If you do not like your job it does not mean you are stupid just think how many other people hate there jobs.

A few days ago
yeah…ehh what are you trying to ask??

what does not feeling well have to do with you IQ…

P.S. you might wanna brush up on your spelling and grammar…for someone who has a good IQ, i dont see it..