A few days ago

How do I lose my obsesstion with the computer and my cell phone.?

im 13.

i need a 4.0. I study and work hard, but once I’m on the internet I’m screwed. Can someone help me lose my addiction. thnx.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Brandon W

Favorite Answer

You need to find other things to do than get on the computer. Study, take a walk, work around the yard or house, read a book…something to keep you away from the keyboard.

A few days ago
Mr. FutureTeacher
In today’s world it is hard to be without a cellphone or without the use of a computer. You could try to see if you’re parents can get a blocker that wil limit the websites that you can visit.

A few days ago
Oh wow, I wish I knew…guess the first thing would be to get off Yahoo Answers cause this can certainly suck up your time. Maybe you could ask your parents to set some limits? Probably not, but it may help if you actually aren’t ALLOWED to get on, you know?

Or reward yourself each time you choose to study over playing on the computer…

Good luck


A few days ago
Shame you are 13 because I would have advised a holiday to somewhere that your cellphone doesn’t work and there are no internet cafes. Maybe go to camp without your cellphone, and within a few days you’ll not miss them

A few days ago
smash both items with a sledgehammer.

A few days ago
golf is fun