A few days ago

How do I deal with school?

Okay, so I am in middle school and have been home schooled for 4 years. Now, home schooling is obviously much, much different from public school. You see, I have problems with friends, homework and basically it over all, especially with lockers (carrying around 4 books, a binder, and 4 notebooks and opening a locker and putting the stuff i don’t need in the locker within 3 minutes) and it is extremely stressful. And with catching the bus on time and waking up early.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I am a homeschooling mom who just started sending my oldest to public school.

Make sure all your books and papers are ready the night before.

Then start with a set schedule for yourself for the morning:

Write it down with how long each thing takes and pin/tape it somewhere where you will see it first thing in the morning.

Make the times that you think it will take you longer by 5-10 minutes. Stick to it for a week. Modify as needed.

Use an alarm clock to get up if you need to.


5:00am get up

5:05am shower

5:30am breakfast

6:00am brush teeth

6:10am make lunch to take (make a list of the things to put in your lunch box) (if any)

6:30am morning chores (if any)

Obviously you will need to make sure this is all done before the bus comes.

As for the the locker, maybe try color coding for each class with a book cover the same color as the notebook for that class.

Homework: do it as soon as possible after you get home. Put it immediately into your backpack and place the backpack where it will be easy to get a hold of in the morning.

(Away from younger siblings if any and the dog!) : )

Hope this helps. It should get easier as you get into a routine, which will happen as the year progresses.