A few days ago

How can one with a Math Phobia get help when parents don’t understand?

I don’t think my parents understand how serious this is starting to get.I’m going to be a junior in High school on Monday and I’m freaking out about going to my math class.I’ve always been afraid of math but it just started to get more serious as I enrolled to a new High school.My old school was private,small it felt like prison and there I was in from grade 6-9th they never taught! The teaching skills were so poor.They passed kids easily from grade to grade.So,they passed me on Algebra 1 without even knowing anything.As I reached to grade 10th I went to a new school which is the one I’m currently in and this school is more advanced and actually teaches.I failed Geometry already.Now I need to retake it.So get this.I need to take this year Geometry,Algebra 2 and Physical Science all involve math.My parents won’t take me to a tutor nor psychologist.I can’t even get a tutor in school.I feel as if this is going to ruin my life and i need someone to talk to so badly. Oh Please..

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I would suggest talking to the teacher about some tutoring after school. I am a geometry teacher and we have a program called homework helper. I stay and help all math students for an hour 4 days a week. If your teacher genuinely cares about your success, he/she will stay and provide additional help or will find someone who can provide assistance. It saddens me to see a student who wants to be successful but can’t find the resources or means. You should not be this stressed about school.

5 years ago
When you was describing about your math phobia,it really brought back some memories. I used to get so intimidated by mathe when I was in grade school and was always scared to go up to the teacher’s desk,in fear of having the incorrect answer,as in those days the teacher used to strike the children with wooden paddles which is what she did every time I got an incorrect answer. I believe it caused some psychological damage because my intimidation of math progressed to a higher level thoughout my school education. You should be able to get a tutor if you feel you need one. At least that’s showing that you are trying. You can only learn so much on the computer. What about your friends or do you know someone in your class that you get along with okay that may be able to help you with assignments? You can also get books at the library. I know that software is helpful but sometimes it’s better to have an actual person there to work with you. Try someone in your class or ask your school counselor about resources and explain to him or her your problem,they should be able to help hopefully. I know you will do just fine but please don’t give up,you came this far and you are almost graduated,one more year to go. Good luck!

A few days ago
Spock (rhp)
improper placement in school because your prior classes elsewhere were poor is the responsibility of the Guidance Counselors.

Although my high school days were long ago, even my little 84 person class in HS had two math tracks … one for achievers and one for re-learners.

Please consult the Guidance people asap Monday.

It may help to telephone ahead [like tomorrow] for an appointment.

{I was a bit of a rebel in school, so I’d have skipped Algebra 2 in order to do that.}
