A few days ago

how can I focus on studying for my upcoming exams?

I’ll be studying Anatomy and Physiology, Health Care, Health Ethics, Physics, Constitution, and Literature.

How can I focus? what can you suggest that I can do to help me understand FAST the things that I am going to re-study?

I’ve tried listening to Classical Music because they said it would stimulate the brain. but i think its not working for me. help!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think you are worrying.just relax and take one step at a time.

Plan you time and start with the subject you love most.

Relax by relaxing!


A few days ago
i’d say go to a comfortable spot and sit down and read. Be an active reader and drink some caffeine to keep you awake.

A few days ago
Just read and don’t think of other things. It is the simplest yet most effective way