A few days ago

Help with a teacher that plays favorites?

I have a math teacher that really plays favorites. And to be a favorite you have to kiss some serious ***. Which i really dont want to do. Its 3 weeks into school and i already have an F (Math isnt my strong point, but ive never had an F in it) But when he taught my older brother 3 years ago it was hell for my brother as well. When my brother would walk into class he would say” Gonna quit today Skyler?” But my brother endured it and i think that made him mad. Also the teacher rambles on and on and on AND ON about some insignificant thing like how his kid can beat up anyone he wants. And when he finally teaches something you miss it. And he is very condisending. I dont think a solution would be to talk to him or the principal because it would just get blown off and my life would thus be even harder. Any ideas on how i can stick it out through his class?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Wow… As a teacher, I feel really sorry for you and Im appalled at this guy’s actions. This guy has serious issues. In my training we learned that this is insanely unacceptable. Although sometimes, yes, we do tend to favor some students over others (those who behave, try, come in for extra help, etc) and that is just human nature. But to tell students how your kid can beat up anyone? That is just sad.

What YOU need to do is go the higher ups. Don’t do it by yourself. Find a bunch of students who feel the same way. If one person complains, sometimes it is blown off as a disgruntled student. If MANY people complain, there is a real case against this guy. Im assuming that since he had your brother and has been around a while, he is guarded by the tenure system. This will make getting him fired nearly impossible, but you can still use this as a case against him if you need to switch classes or if he is harassing you. You will need to document what is going on. When you’re taking notes, write down what he says. Tell others to do the same. Go to the division chair, your assistant principals, deans, even the principle. Go through the hierarchy and find whoever will listen. If no one in the school will listen, go to the school board with the help of your parents.

If all else fails, go to your counselor and explain the issue and get the class changed to another teacher.

Best of luck to you. I hate scumbags like this guy…


A few days ago
I had a teacher that was kinda like that all you got do geet a tutor and get the homework froma friend at least you’ll learn something but it doesn’t nescearily have to be from him talk to your parents about it or your brother