A few days ago

do u prefer uniforms in schools or casuals???

do u prefer uniforms in schools or casuals???

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
My Life is in Black and White

Favorite Answer

uniform because that way you won’t have to stress about what your going to wear and buy an outfit everyday

A few days ago
As a teenager, decades ago I’d probably have said causual. But having taught and seen what kids wear to school today and a few years back, I’ve turned into a believer in uniforms. Firstly there isn’t as much of the competition about who is more fashionable and what label are you wearing. Everyone looks like same even if it doesn’t always cost the same, although most uniforms do.

It’s a way of identifying one’s school which can be handy for other people in society who interact with schools.

I think the kids probably have a bit more pride in themselves and their appearance when they wear uniforms to school.


A few days ago
Although I understand why some schools are choosing to go with uniforms, I do not believe that uniforms alone will solve the problems in schools. I do believe in a dress code- I do not approve of sexually provocative or revealing clothing, or clothing which is insulting or belittling to groups of people, or which advertise alcohol, drugs, or stereotypical attitudes. I think that kids do need to learn, however, appropriate attire for certain occasions. For example, it is rude to wear a baseball cap inside- sound old-fashioned? It is!!! But I think that discussions need to occur with kids as well- we are losing our moral base and it was that base on which our society was founded- we need to reclaim and reexamine it. Kids don’t learn from simply being told- they need to participate! Therefore, I believe that although the uniform solution would be simple and swift, the very people most affected by it would be disenfranchised from the discussion!!

A few days ago
I think uniforms are a good thing, because it give each school an Image. And it also teaches pupils to be responsible, about their dress code. I mean, you can’t wear a uniform and turn up in high healed shoes for example.

The other thing, is although a lot of parents think it is expensive, you can always go to the second hand shop for some things. And pass down to younger children.

But now, going to school, especially for high school girls, is a fashion parade! That costs parents plenty, as they give into their children’s whims.


4 years ago
I actually have a uniform, and function in basic terms had an off-the-cuff outfits day like as quickly as interior the 5 years i’ve got been there. i don’t possibly strategies having a uniform because of the fact it saves time interior the morning besides the undeniable fact that it makes me look even larger than i’m already!

A few days ago
Uniform is kinda oppressing but kinda cool too. I mean at least I don’t have to see some other guys’ boxers because they drop their pants. Also those prep snob girls don’t get to feel better than others because they got more expensive clothes or whatever. Casual shows Uniqueness which I likey.

A few days ago
Kindle Kitten
Oh uniforms for sure. I always loved the certainty of knowning what to wear every morning when I woke up in highschool. It helps break down class barriers and creates an equality among students.

A few days ago
I like uniforms

A few days ago
well, i like both. but my school is really strict on our uniforms. “shirts tucked, no colored undershirts, no free dress days, no chunky beads, no hoodies.” i would love to have casual for a week, and then alternate. i dont know what everyone else looks like in real clothes, except my best friends πŸ˜€

A few days ago
i like my school uniforms, it takes less time in the morning to get dressed.