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Can you please help me on this question?

Can you please help me on this question?

The teacher assigned this question for homework about The Boy Who Saved Baseball by John Ritter.

Imagine that a few days after the big game Tom received a letter from Cruz de la Cruz. What would the letter say? How does Cruz explain his absence from the game? How does he feel about the Wildcats and their win?

The teacher said the letter should look like a 5 paragraph essay. But I have no idea of how to start the letter and continue it. Can you please help me start on my first paragraph and the rest of the paragraphs.

Thank you very much kind people.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“Can you please help me start on my first paragraph and the rest of the paragraphs.”

This sounds like you want us to write your essay for you, not HELP you.

The best way to go about it is answer the separate questions you’ve posed. Those will be the basis for each paragraph. Then expand upon them using material you read in the book.

Start by either apologizing or not, depending upon if you think an apology is due for not being at the game.