A few days ago

Can someone tell me the difference between the two?

For an assignment I have to do a character analysis and for the assignment we are asked to make a summary of the character’s personality and the characteristics of the character. I really do not understand the difference between characteristics and personality. I am the type that learns by examples and if you can include some examples the would help a lot.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Qu’est ce que tu penses?

Favorite Answer

Personality: She’s funny, witty, nice, always getting into trouble, etc.

Characteristics: She loves to wear polka dots, has black hair, etc.


A few days ago
Characteristics would be like habits and ways of doing things. Personality is how the person responds to people around them. A tic or twitch would be a characteristic. Rudeness or politeness would be a personality trait.

A few days ago
Characteristics are things that help to distinguish a person or thing, like a laugh or like a zebra having stripes.

Personality is the quality or condition of a person. Likes their behavior and emotions.


A few days ago
Check out the links.