A few days ago

Why would a black person have needed a shotgun during the Great Depression (1920-30s)?

Why would a black person have needed a shotgun during the Great Depression (1920-30s)?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Rich V, slavery was abolished 50-60 years before this period.

White people, in fact any people, need to feel superior to somebody especially if they have little education, money, or morals. It has been true with every race including blacks throughout history.

To stay alive in those times, shotguns were required material for any homes.

Additionally, things on four legs came around as well as crawling poisonous things you had to handle yourself. Animal control was not a phone call away. Most homes barely had one light bulb. Neighbors would come just to see your one bulb especially in rural areas.


A few days ago
In God We Trust
I would think that a Black person would need a shotgun if he/she had accumulated savings and didn’t place them in the banking system. Then if any other person of the other races found out about this, they would attempt to rob them of this prosperity. Otherwise, I don’t see this sort of thing happening. Remember this, What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? – Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. – Psalm 68:19. Peace, Love and God Bless.

A few days ago
Uhhh…maybe some whites in the south were so impoverished that they were trying to illegally gather more slaves to raise their quality of life a little higher? After all, there’s no cheaper labor than slave labor…and a shotgun is pretty good protection from wannabe slave owners.

A few days ago
to hunt food for his starving family? protection from the kkk?

A few days ago
non o u biznis
Because they are human and wanted to protect their own and anything they had.

A few days ago
Perhaps to “hunt” for food.

A few days ago
To take care of the KKK.