A few days ago
onebomb d

Why can’t 1/5th of Americans find America on a map?

Why can’t 1/5th of Americans find America on a map?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’m not sure, but possibly because in the American school system the emphasis is more on America than on the rest of the world. In order to find the country on a map, people have to know where it is in relation to the rest of the world, and there may not be an emphasis on that aspect of geography.

A few days ago
Because the American Education system sucks. There are two possible reasons.

1. Too much emphasis is put on the US alone and not its place in the world so that when faced with the prospect of the US being part of a much larger entity, many americans can’t phathom it.

2. Those 1/5th were never taught to read a map properly thus would be unable to find anything on a map whether it be the US or the nearest highway.

(I really hope its the later rather than the former, at least that way there’s still hope for Americans)


A few days ago
Civis Romanus
This always surprises me, since I figure Americans must at least watch the weather report every day and see the map of their country. The mainland United States have a unique shape. If nothing else, Americans should recognize the Florida peninsula, Cape Cod in Massachussetts, and the northeast coast of Seattle. Then there is the Rio Grande between Texas and Mexico.

I suspect the problem is that Americans (and their news media) focus almost exclusively on the United States and too little on the rest of the planet. It’s hard to know where you fit in the global scheme of things when you are inward turned and spend your time navel gazing.

If Americans took more of an interest in international news, perhaps they would have a better idea of where they are (literally) on the map.


A few days ago
That seems absolutely ridiculous, I go to school and I don’t think there is even one person who can’t find America on a map. The system is actually pretty good, even if students mainly learn about the US. Almost evey social studies classroom has a map of the US in it. The problems must be all the uninformed adults.

A few days ago
bummer101467 <2HeartKnight>
I was visiting in Maryland and stopped at a store. The bag boy said I had an accent and asked where I was from. I said from Wisconsin but more recently from Nebraska.

He said, “Nebraska? Thats down by Florida, right”?

Nuff said.


A few days ago
because they were given maps of Europe

A few days ago
…for the same reason a High School graduate can’t make change back from a “dollar” and a COKE Machine can !!!!

(Our educational system… we are more concerned on self esteem and personal feelings and pride then we are on knowledge)


A few days ago
The schools are too busy teaching kids how to be PC and to look for ways to be offended.

A few days ago
What?? I hope that isn’t right. If it is we really need to overhaul our public high school system. Or better yet, maybe I should move to Sweden or Australia. Good God!!

A few days ago
Jennifer L
Because they are too young to read a map (i.e. pre-kindergarten).