A few days ago

Where do the commas go in this sentence?

He uses many examples of mob gatherings and how their power in numbers even though it led to violence helped change the social structure.

It sounds like a run-on sentence to me but would commas help?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Amanda F

Favorite Answer

between numbers and even and between violence and helped.

A few days ago
He uses many examples of mob gatherings and how their power in numbers, even though it led to violence, helped change the social structure.

To prove this, remove all of the phrase between the commas to get “He uses many examples of mob gatherings and how their power in numbers helped change the social structure.” With the phrase removed, the sentence still makes sense. Without the commas, the sentence is awkward and difficult to figure out.


A few days ago
Try This!

He uses many examples of mob gatherings and how their power in numbers, even though it led to violence, helped change the social structure.

This is a good example of real British English. Other responses are not worth reading. Out of all the responses only one other person has picked this up and even the so called “English Expert” is way off the subject. The person that put a full stop mid-sentence created absolutely apalling grammar. What do you think a “conjunctive” is for? The sentence is a full and complete sentence and should not be seperated, only pauses (commas) should be used. And please, all the Yanks out there, stop doing this – ,and

You cannot have a comma in front of a conjunctive in the English language. Why do stupid Yanks insist that a pause is required when forming one sentence from two? The conjunctive is there to make it possible to continue without a pause or stopping. If you want to pause, use a full stop and start a new sentence but please stop using ,and


A few days ago
Young Uncle
I quite agree with Ken D. The commas are shown below.

He uses many examples of mob gatherings and how their power in numbers, even though it led to violence, helped change the social structure.


A few days ago
Commas certainly would. As Ken D puts it, this is English English. The basic sentence would read “He uses many examples of mob gatherings and how their power in numbers helped change the social atructure. ” The writer has introduced a subordinate clause, between commas “even though it led to violence” to give more info about their power. Hope this helps.

A few days ago
He uses many examples of mob gatherings and how their power in numbers, even though it led to violence, helped change the social structure.

A few days ago
That sentence makes no sense to me. Try this: He uses many examples of mob gatherings to show their power was in numbers. Even though it led to violence it helped change the social structure.

Does that work?


A few days ago
I used to be an English major, so I’m pretty confident in this answer:

First off, you’re spelling words wrong and missing a couple nouns.

He uses many examples of mob gatherings and how they’re power in numbers; even though it led to violence, it helped change the social structure.

Make sure after “numbers” you place a semi-colon (this separates two phrases that can be sentences on their own). “Their” should be “they’re.” You’re also missing a noun between “violence” and “helped,” so I added “it.”


A few days ago

i hope i can change ur sentence atichy bit.according 2 me,its-

” He uses many examples of mob gatherings and their power in numbers, even though it led to violence and helped change the social structure.”


A few days ago
Luv that sentence doesn’t make sense with the words! You could have:

He uses many examples of mob gatherings and their power in numbers, even though its lead to violence helped change the social structure.

Hope that helped!


A few days ago
He uses many examples of mob gatherings, and how their power in numbers even though it led to violence, helped change the social structure.

I think those are right