A few days ago

When writing an article or in my case a book report, how do you punctuate a magazine and a book? HELP!!!!?

ie. do you italisize it, do you underline it etc..

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Magazine and book titles are underlined or italicized. (They mean the same thing in the MLA style, but I have found that many teachers prefer underlined titles.) Names of individual articles are placed in quotation marks. Both of these sites have good information on this subject.




5 years ago
Not at all! I actually think that’s pretty cool, I’d never have the patience to voluntarily write a book report. It seems like a good way to ensure your understanding of what you’re reading, and you could always refer to your book reports if you forget a detail about a book or two. It doesn’t make you weird, and you shouldn’t listen to anyone who says that it does.