A few days ago

What is the participation of the 1st world countries in the slave trade?

this is based on the movie La Amistad. I have not seen this movie yet but our teacher gave us an assignment on this; however, I cannot understand the plot of the film.

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A few days ago

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I saw this movie a very long time ago, but I still remember it because it was such a powerful movie. The overall setting of this movie is on a slave ship, I believe about the first half of the movie, and in a bustling city somewhere in the United States the other half. The exact city is mentioned, but I dont recall what it is. There are a few points of view to this story that I will talk about later. First off, the main character in this story is kidnapped by an enemy tribe and taken to be sold to white men for guns. The next section of the movie shows the horrific conditions of a slave ride through the slave triange route. This route goes from Africa to one of the carribean islands, i think, and then is spread all over the world depending on who the slaves were sold to. During the transit from Africa to the Carribean the main character leads a slave revolt against the ship, La Amistad, and they take over the ship. The slaves do not know navigation and the ship is taken to the United States before the slaves know what has happened. In the United States they are captured, but there is a problem. The original owner of the slaves is dead and when that happens slaves go free unless otherwise specified. In the trial that ensues a variety of characters interact with each other to figure out what should happen to the slaves. The two options are… Let them go as free slaves or keep them and the government sells them. **Ending Spoiler if you keep reading so if you are planning on watching it then dont read the next line.

The slaves go free in the end.