A few days ago
xo cAnDii ♥

What does this mean?

I’m doing entries for summer reading and the question asks

Make a note of ideas in your reading that are repeated or that contradict eachother.

Can anyone help? I don’t get it.. Can anyone explain it to me?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Part of the question is that you need to give examples of the same idea showing up in several different places in your reading.

The other part is that you need to list examples of ideas that are sort of the opposite of each other, or in total disagreement.

We might be able to offer better help if we knew what you were supposed to read.


A few days ago
Most books have a recurring theme in them, but it may be represented in different ways. Think about some of the symbols that you might have come across in the book, like things that would represent good, or things that would represent bad. Often in books you will find contradictions between good and bad and symbols are often used to represent them. (Think about colors, or animals that might have been mentioned in the book).

A few days ago
ot hey mean wile ur reading make a note of somthin like o they had a scared girl named ashley in this book to or this one had the same theme hope i helped or ooo in this book they have the same theme but its a boy instead of a girl

A few days ago
“You know I like you so we must stay away from each other. I like you so much because I like you. Because I like you so much, I just hate you.”

The paragraph above gives you an example. You may note that it is repetitive and contradictory. It is also called ambivalent.


A few days ago
i think that u have to write ideas form reading i dont know…