A few days ago

What does inverse mean in maths?x?

Pleeeaase give a simple answer..ive not a clue and i really really really need help!!!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Meg F

Favorite Answer

Inverse just means taking whatever it is you’re starting with, and flipping it over so it’s the bottom part of a fraction. For example, the inverse of 4 would be 1/4.

“x” is just something used to represent a unknown value. For example, if you had an equation that said x -3 = 6, and you added 3 to each side of the equation, you’d get x -3 + 3 = 6 + 3, so x = 9


6 years ago
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What does inverse mean in maths?x?
Pleeeaase give a simple answer..ive not a clue and i really really really need help!!!


A few days ago
i think it means the opposite..