A few days ago

What are the 2 meanings for “Time”…?

My science homework was to read an article for the 2 meanings of time, but I left the article at school. I don’t need to write an essay about it, just a short answer of 2-3 sentences. The bad thing is all I remember is something that had to do with intervals or something like that. Could you help me?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I have no idea what your article said.

Two basic images of time with which I am familiar are linear time and cyclical time. Linear time is a EuroAmerican concept that divides time into progressing units which continue in a straight line ad infinitum. Cyclical time is a Native American concept which marks time in repeated cycles, seasons, life cycles, rotations of the earth around the sun, rotations of the moon around the earth, etc., in which time is seen as repeating itself in cycles that progress forward in a spiral.


A few days ago
Iris the Librarian
Do you remember the name of the article and who wrote it? Could you Google it and maybe find a copy online?

When I read your question, “2 meanings of Time”, my first thoughts were Time as a noun and Time as a verb. “The time was 3:00 AM” “The timing for my engine was off.”

I don’t think this is the way your article used time. You are going to have to read the article to find the answer.


A few days ago
g g
check a dictionary.