A few days ago

Was the development of American Slavery in the North American Colonies Inevitable?

Was the development of American Slavery in the North American Colonies Inevitable?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I say yes because the colonies were greatly influenced by Britain, and Britain was a slave labor country as well until after the colonies adopted the same practice. Also at the time slavery wasn’t considered to be wrong, so there wouldn’t have been anybody who would have said NO to bringing slaves over from Africa and what not. I looked it up, and France was the first country to abolish slavery but that wasn’t until 1794 during the French Revolution. Once again that was after the colonies had already established slavery as a common practice.

A few days ago
I say YES because: (1) Tobacco was labor-intensive, but could produce a lot of cash; (2) Native populations were not particularly useful as slaves, as their familiarity with living off the land made it so easy for them to escape, they were very susceptible to illness and even death from European diseases, and they were unable to bear the abuse of hard labor; (3) African slaves became more and more accessible; (4) Whites made the laws more and more stringent to keep the Africans enslaved and deny them even the most basic civil rights.

Here are some webpages that support these ideas: (remove all spaces or the links won’t work)

http://innercity.org/ holt/slavechron.html

http://www.sonofthesouth.net/ slavery/ history-slavery.htm

http://www.religioustolerance.org/ sla_hist.htm

Best wishes to you!