A few days ago
yo y

Using the equation y=9x-3 state the slope and the “y” intercept?

how would i do this?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

y=mx+b, remember it and never forget it.

m stands for slope.

b stands for y inercept.

since the 9 is substituted for the m, that is the slope

and since the -3 is substituted in the b spot, that is the y intercept.

just remember those things and you will find this process sooo easy.


A few days ago
Jonathan D
This form is called the slope intercept form… and the value associated with the x is the slope… y = mx + b, m = slope and the b = the y-intercept… so 9 is the slope and the y-intercept is -3.

A few days ago

all u gotta remember is da formular: y=mx + c

m is da gradient of da slope

and c is da value at which da slope intercepts

in this case y=9x-3 compare(y=mx + c)

m,your slope or gradient is 9,

meaning for ever ‘y’ u’ll have an increase of 9 on da ‘x’ axis

example when x is 0 : y = -3

when x is 1 : y = 6

also y=9x-3 compare(y=mx + c)

c,your ‘y’ interCept is -3

just keep da linear equation in mind


A few days ago
It is just the negative 3. In a linear equation the term that does not have the x on it is the y intercept.

A few days ago
Steve B
Use values:

x y

0 -3

3/9 0

1 6

2 15

3 24

For every x, the slope goes up by 9.