A few days ago

Theme for English assignment – feature article – families?

Basically I have to write a feature article about some aspect of (australian) family. We had to look at two australian novels and deduct what they say about family.

The two books I have read are based around race and culture. One family is aboriginal and the other is italian. Both experience discrimination. Both live in a kind of extended family (aunts, uncles etc)

what would be a good theme to write about? We use the characters as real people.

Eg. of a theme:the changing role of mothers/fathers in families.


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
old lady

Favorite Answer

You could compare and contrast the way the aboriginal family feels about the land and the way the immigrant (Italian) family feels about it. In each case, there is a struggle going on – with the aboriginals to retain their land and their culture, with the immigrants, to assimilate and become part of the Australian culture. One interesting aspect would be the agriculture practised by the two groups – what would the Italian family plant? It would likely be crops that did well at home, but may or may not flourish in Australia. Aboriginals harvest, rather than plant crops, so their concern would be seeing their land taken over and used for purposes that destroyed the naturally growing crops on which the depend. Similarily, hunting restrictions would cripple their food supply, whereas the Australians at time hunted just for the pleasure of it, not bothering to pick up the animals they had slain.

The theme of the changing role of parents is wonderful, because in both groups the words of the elders used to be sancrosect, but in the modern world, children don’t do what their parents tell them to, don’t take the jobs their parents want them to have, don’t marry the spouses their parents approve of. You could do a Romeo and Juliet theme, with the boy from one group and the girl from the other, and in that manner make vivid contrasts of their beliefs and traditions.


A few days ago
You could write about how the families cope with the discrimination.

You could write about the role of the extended family in the home versus the nuclear family.