A few days ago

The middle colonies were most American part of America.Examine the validity of statement(doyou agree/disagree)

The middle colonies were most American part of America.Examine the validity of statement(doyou agree/disagree)

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here is some info that you may find helpful:

a. Middle Colonies were a part of the original Thirteen Colonies that would later become The United States of America. The region was originally New Netherlands, which was later divided into the western half of Connecticut ,New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware. Today, these areas are described as the Mid-Atlantic States. The climate in the colonies what was relatively mild, not as cold as it is in New England allowing for a longer growing season, but not as hot as the Southern Colonies which helped stop the spread of disease. The Middle Colonies were the most ethnically and religiously diverse of the thirteen original colonies because of the influence of their English, Dutch, French and German origins. This influence included tolerance and cosmopolitanism, and resulted in New Netherland’s success as the commercial center of the eastern North American colonies. This was evidence by the fact that they had more agriculture than the New England colonies. The Middle Colonies were also known as the “bread” colonies because of their large grain export. It was also the mid-Atlantic colonies that expanded into other areas of commerce before the others.

b. The Middle Colonies of British North America—comprised of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware—became a stage for the western world’s most complex experience with religious pluralism. The mid-Atlantic region, unlike either New England or the South, drew many of its initial settlers from European states that had been deeply disrupted by the Protestant Reformation and the religious wars that followed in its wake. Small congregations of Dutch Mennonites, French Huguenots, German Baptists, and Portuguese Jews joined larger communions of Dutch Reformed, Lutherans, Quakers, and Anglicans to create a uniquely diverse religious society. African Americans and the indigenous Indians, with religious traditions of their own, added further variety to the Middle Colony mosaic. (see more at website)

c. Society in the middle colonies was far more varied, cosmopolitan and tolerant than in New England. In many ways, Pennsylvania and Delaware owed their initial success to William Penn. Under his guidance, Pennsylvania functioned smoothly and grew rapidly. By 1685 its population was almost 9,000. The heart of the colony was Philadelphia, a city soon to be known for its broad, tree-shaded streets, substantial brick and stone houses, and busy docks. By the end of the colonial period, nearly a century later, 30,000 people lived there, representing many languages, creeds and trades. Their talent for successful business enterprise made the city one of the thriving centers of colonial America. (more at website)

Good luck to you!


A few days ago
Ask yourself whether the colonies of that area upheld the values of what was considered America during that time. Consult the Charter and Constitution and see, by events in history if the colonies abided by what the Fathers considered ‘America’. (Just a suggestion).

You didn’t mention a time period, which would also define your questions and make it less general.