A few days ago

Term Paper on Cultural Comparison Class?

I am trying to come up with the main points I want to cover for a 2 page paper. What have I learned from this class and what main points should I cover. any and all help appreciated.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well not having attended this class, I have no idea what you may or may not have learned, but here are some sites that might provide some interesting material to write about.

http://s oc302.tripod.com/ soc_302rocks/id6.html

http://www. allacademic.com/ meta/p14869_index. html

http://www. cliffsnotes.com/ WileyCDA/CliffsReviewTopic/ Cultural-Norms. topicArticleId-26957, articleId-26853.html

http://www. cnr.berkeley.edu/ ucce50/ag-labor/ 7article/article01.htm

Hope these give you some help. Best wishes to you!