A few days ago

spanish help?

write these in Spainsh

i just want to make sure im write, so thanks

1) Does she speak French?

2) There aren’t many houses.

3) You don’t take bad pictures, (fotos malas)[to the president]

I am reall unsure with #3


Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Ella habla Frances?

No hay muchas casas

Tu no tomas malas fotos

i think thats right well good luck let me know if u need more help wit spanish 🙂


A few days ago
1 Ella habla frances?

2 No hay muchas casas

3 Tu no tomas fotos malas [al presidente]

I am not sure what you meant by number 3 either. I also sent you a web site that gives free translations as well.


A few days ago
I’m Bored
Ella habla frances?

No hay muchas casas.

Ud. no saca malas fotos.


A few days ago
little q
1) habla frances?

2) no hay muchas casas

3) no tomas fotos malos del presidente


A few days ago
1. ¿Habla ella francés?

2. No hay muchas casas

3. Usted no saca malo fotografĂ­a


A few days ago
no problema little moma

1. ella abla ( )

2.no ay muchas casas

3.tu no tomas malla fotos


4 years ago
i’m Uruguayan and the accents and pronunciation is diverse between them .Argentinian and Uruguayan Spanish are very comparable yet Argentinian tone is diverse and a few diverse grammar ,i discover it okay to communicate to a Mexican yet to somebody from Spain I have no theory the thank you to understand what they say in any respect

A few days ago
Nandina (Bunny Slipper Goddess)
Why don’t you add what your answers were, and someone can tell you if you got them wrong?