A few days ago

sorry but i need more help!!?

my calculator on my phone wont let me do negatives, and I got this, which I dont think is right.

-21 + 30= -9

is it right? what did I do wrong if its wrong

thanks again!!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Think about it this way. You owe me 21 dollars. You don’t have change, and give me 30.

How much should I give you back? 9 dollars.

You have +9.


A few days ago
The answer is 9. Your answer will always take the sign of the larger number. On your phone calculator, I don’t know….but when the smaller number comes first, reverse the problem:

-21 + 30 = would be the same as

+30 + (-21) =

30 + 1(-21) = (remember a (-) times a (+) = (-))

30 – 21 = 9

You can do it on a regular calculator…..just enter a negative sign,21,+30=9


A few days ago
-21 + 30 =

this can be rewritten as: 30 – 21

In addition, when you have different signs (positive and negative) … you find the difference (subtract). If the signs are the same (+,+ or -,-) you add the two numbers.

In this case, you should subtract the two numbers and the ‘sign’ on the answer should be the same as the larger number.

If it had been: (+21) + (+30) = +51 [same as 21+30=51]

You would add the two numbers and it would have the same sign as the numbers in the problem…positive.


If it had been: (-21) + (-30) = -51 [same as -(21+30)= -(51) = -51]

You would add the two numbers and it would have the same sign as the numbers in the problem…negative.

Hope this helps…been awhile since I’ve had math.

You need to be able to understand your basic math. You will need it not just for school but also for calculations you will need to make in life.


A few days ago
Daniel S
Here is a simple way of thinking about the problem: Re-arrange it!

30 – 21 = ?. You probably know the answer to that.

But let us say you had a similar problem

21 – 30 = ?

You might think of the problem as

30 – 21 = -?

Hope that helps. BTW, a calculator should only be used once you understand the math the calculator is doing for you. Sometimes the thinking used for math is used in other places in life where numbers aren’t involved.


A few days ago
Red Ace
it should be 30-21, which is 9

A few days ago
katie b
Basically for these problems what you are going to do is since 30 is larger than 21 and it is also positive, you are going to just subtract 21 from 30.

A few days ago
b w
Its wrong. Which number, with which sign is largest? Or, add your -9 +30 to see if you get -21, add -9 and -21 amd see of you get 30. Thats how you can check your answers when you get confused with the signs. Go for it.

A few days ago
it’s positve

try it this way do 30+ -21… you could drop the + and just make it 30-21 and you get 9


A few days ago
Gordon N
-21+30, is the same as +30-21, it is the + or – in fornt of the number that matters where it is placed.

your awnser is incorrect, the – should be positive.


A few days ago
it should be positive like everyone else says. Don’t feel bad that you got it wrong. i always get confused with negative numbers