A few days ago
tina h

shorthand notes???

hi…. i really want to learn the shorthand method of taking notes…. the only problem is the online course is vry expensive and my parents think it is a major waste of time. i really need to improve my speed of taking notes. can anyone help me out or something? any1 has an ebook or a text book related to it? plz…. i really want this bad.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I learnt a little about this in psychology (then put it to the test by using it in that same class – awesome grade, so I guess it works).

Basically, whilst there is one set form of English shorthand, it is not necessary to know if you can devise your own.

Your own personal shorthand can even be more effective, faster, and easier for you to understand.

A simple way to start is to work out quick abreviations for commonly used words. Work one out, for example: psy = psychology, or ch’n = children, d’mnt = development, b/c = because.

To make life easier when your rereading your notes, even just until you have your abreviations down pat, write a key (like the one I did for the examples) in your margin, or at the bottom of the page.

The reason why creating your own shorthand can be so successful is because in the process you can make what is called ‘mnemonics’. Mnemomics are not just shorter ways of writing things, but more importantly, they are ways of remembering things. The more personal or unusual the mnemonic, the better you are likely to remember it.

One I had for psychology when studying the stages of sleep was:

2tuspin (pronounced: tutu spin) = Non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage 2: Theta brainwaves and sleep spindles.

2 = stage 2

tu = theta (and put with the stage 2, it sounds like what a ballerina wears – a tutu!)

spin = spindles (now it sounds like a dance step or something!)

If you would still like to use a set form of shorthand try amazon.com for books on the subject, or find out what the prescribed texts were for that course you were looking at and buy those books (but don’t sign up for the course unless you really want a certificate to say you know shorthand).

Hope this helps, good luck with your studies! =D


A few days ago
you can always devise your own shorthand.

Why do you need to follow others… shorthand can be very personal such that only you will understand.

Only because the notes are for your own referencing.