A few days ago

sexist video games?

im doing a report on sexist video games. i need information thats NOT blocked from my school’s computer. if you could get me websites with pictures of these videogames and their titles it would be really helpfull. the person with the most gets the best answer!!! plz help!!!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’ve been playing video games for years and I was playing games non-stop, 12 to 15 hours per day (when off school) or 5 hours per day (when school) and I have never ever saw or played any sexist video game.

except if you consider sexism that in most games the main character is a man, then thats the only thing, but in most games (95%) there is one thing: fighting for peace or revenge. in those 5% there are games where you play a gangster and steal expensive cars or being a hitman for some mafia, but I never played any game where women would be discriminated. but in those 95% of games people play a revenge against someone that killed your wife in game story or alien invasion and then you fight for peace. thats whats usually happens in games.

BUT there is one thing: I was playing those top, popular games like Half-Life or Max Payne or Warcraft or Call of Duty or Need for Speed series – that kind of games are rated with 4 or 5 stars. everything thats 3, 2 or 1 star is not worth playing cause gameplay is boring, its not interesting, graphics is really poor, those games are completely bad like having old milk in a very old fridge. so you might find a sexist game in those 1 star games but no one plays those games cause they are even illegally made, no publisher, no nothing. someone programed that game in its room on a computer and then they put it on the internet. official games must be checked for their content before going out into the public, cause if you play a nazi, those games are quickly forbiden and the maker of the game gets punished with money fine or even jail. so that kind of hate games arent even famous, so maybe 500 or 1000 people in the World will try that game, while millions of people are playing those popular games.

but in all those popular games there is no sexist game. those games are like movies with superheroes, where at the end the main character usually falls in love with someone. its the same with games.

and even those erotic, sex games arent sexist. as long as only adult people are programmed in the game and if the game is marked as ‘mature’ rating and the content isnt offensive, those games are completely okay. but if there’s a rape in that kind of games, then those games are forbiden.


A few days ago
Tomb Raider. The original video game s@x object was Lara Croft. With a body that defies gravity in all the most er0tic ways, and enough action to get male adrenaline and testosterone pumping she is a definite “must” to include in any review of the genre.

Hope this helps.


4 years ago
i do no longer understand in case you have actual performed Zelda yet Zelda is not any longer often a toy to be fought over. that’s generally her magic that prevents the enormous undesirable in each and every game. that’s extremely actual in Spirit Tracks. In smash Bros. Samus is between the suitable characters and he or she is in fact a woman. using women human beings’s bodies to sell video games on no account demeans the cost of ladies human beings, particularly whilst the ladies all human beings is shown to be useful in different techniques.

A few days ago
Dan B
This would be my pick…
