A few days ago

science fair….?

8th grade science fair that has something to do with physics and stuff give me some suggestions cause i have no idea what to do plz make it simple nothing that require a permit and nother that illegal

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Check these sites. They should help. Good luck with it.

A few days ago
b w
How about something about Yo Yos, like hypothesizing what makes yo yos spin the longest, the physics of the yo yo spin.

Or you could work on the physics of pool, although you would need some way to measure spin, velocity, vectors etc. And a good hypothesis which at this moment eludes me. But maybe trying to identify the best height of a pool player based on angles would be interesting. Well there are two. Good luck


A few days ago
does it have to be about physics? Try to think of a need then develop ways you could help.( i.e. earth friendly substitutes to pesticides)