A few days ago

rules of exponents?

when you add like: x + x and there are exponents involeved do you had them or do you multiply them?, and what about: x – x and say there are exponents on the x’s, what do you do with them?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A²xA² = A²+² (If you are multiplying the bases you add the exponents)

A²/A² = A²-A² (If you are dividing the bases you minus the exponents)

(A²)² = A²x² (If you have a power raised to a power you multiply the powers)

I hope you understand this!!


A few days ago
When you add something like x + x = 2x, you don’t touch the exponents. Same thing with subtracting x – x = 0

The rules come in for multiplying and dividing powers.

(x^3)(x^4) = x^7 (add the exponents)

(x^5)/(x^3) = x^2 (subtract the exponents)


A few days ago
you can only add terms with the same base and the same exponent — x^2 + x^2 = 2x^2

you add the coefficients and leave the variable part of the term alone.

if you are multiplying factors, if you have the same base, you add the exponents

x * x = x^1+1 = x^2

if you are raising a factor to a power, you multiply the exponents: (x^2)^3 = x^6