A few days ago

RP Fractions help.?

I understand most of it just not the whole thing:

Problem 1:

a) Change the following RP fraction to statement in words:

1: 100 000 means 1 cm= _________ km

*my friend said the shortcut to do it is to start at the decimal (the end of 0) and work back five times

so: 1:100 000 means 1 cm= 1 km

What i dont get is the next problem:

b) 1: 50 000 means 1 cm= ________ km

if i go back 5 times I’d end up with…nothing.

and then this next problem:

c) 1:124 000 means 1 cm = ________km

if i go back five times, i’d end up with: 1 km. which is the same answer to problem a). and that can’t be right.

can anyone help?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There are 100cm in 1 metre, and 1000 metres in 1 kilometre.

That means there are

100 * 1000

= 100,000cm in 1km.

When you write an RP fraction, put ‘cm’ after both measurements, and then convert the ‘cm’ on the right to ‘km’ by dividing by 100,000. Your friend’s rule is right for this conversion.


= 1cm : 100,000cm

= 1cm : 1km.

1cm. = 1km.


= 1cm: 50,000cm

= 1cm: 0.5km.

1cm = 0.5km

The decimal point can go left of the numbers.

If it needed to go further still, you would get 0.05km, 0.005km and so on.


= 1cm: 124,000cm

= 1cm: 1.24km

1cm = 1.24km.