A few days ago

Romeo & Juliet?

I have to write a paper on Romeo and Juliet…does anyone have any ORIGINAL suggestions for a paper topic?


Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

How the social view of young teenagers’ love has changed. Shakespeare saw love between 16 and 13 year-olds as a great romantic love. Today we would call it a crush or puppy love.

In fact, today the great conflict would be whether a high school sophomore is some kind of perv for trying to get with a 7th grade girl.


A few days ago
Zeiku S
How about How the tragedy could have been prevented?

Why Billy Shakes decided to make this tragedy?

How does Romeo and Juliet’s Experiance link to the present?


A few days ago
you could write about fate.

like the fatalistic love

actually, i have a better one

the dual nature of the play and of the characters.

the play has a dual nature because it is meant to be a tragedy.. but characters (such as mercutio) add a comedic element to it.

some of the character’s personalities also have dual natures


juliet- loving/suicidal

capulet (in the party scene)- scolding his servant/commenting on the elaborate nature of the party

friar lawrence- wanting to help romeo&juliet/not wanting to get in trouble with their parents

paris- thinking juliet is too young to marry/desperately wanting to marry her in the end.

these are just some ideas.

you take it from here.

good luck!!!!!


A few days ago
four feet six



all above have good ideas

my favorite is

“O Wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?”: The Art of Wooing in Romeo and Juliet

This strategy asks students to compare “pick up lines” from Shakespeare’s time and now.

Best Wishes.


A few days ago
Take a character like mercutio, for example, explain why he was important to the story list a few ways the plot could have changed if he hadnt been in the story and so on.

A few days ago
Ill concieved answers to a problem as a result of the protagonists being young children, since both were barely teenagers.

A few days ago
Devil’s Advocette
The affects of friends/family emtional reactions in relationships, focus on Mercutio and Tybalt

A few days ago
You can relate feuding families in the play to feuding families in todays sociaty.

A few days ago
Joshua K
The ill effects of poisen on a relationship.

A few days ago
~LoViNg MoM n WiFe~
Undying love, tragic end: death in the name of love