A few days ago

revising an essay and need help?

Since airbags became popular and children were moved from the front seat of vehicles to the backseat the number of hyperthermia deaths of children left in cars have increased substantially (Null). Through the pages and pages of information, a few solutions did show the potential to solve this problem. Kidsandcars.org offer educational material that can further aware parents of the dangers of vehicles and unattended children that can help prevent any future loss of children. The Ford Motor Company has added new safety features that work directly for the safety of children in vehicles. The Child Minder created by BabyAlert alerts parents of children that have been forgotten in the vehicle. Lastly, NASA has been developing a product called the Child Presence Sensor that has the same concept as the Child Minder, but is delivered differently. Let us further discuss these solutions and begin working solving this tragic problem.


Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Revise the whole paragraph.

You begin well, but I suggest beginning with an example of a recent death, or questions about how a parent would feel if this tragedy occured to him/ her.

Add a number or percentage of the increase in deaths. Also add a date to when recommendations began for keeping small children in the back seat.

Get rid of “through the pages and pages of information.” Don’t use solve and solution in the same sentence.

Make your transition sentence introduce each of those companies (which I assume you will use in your body paragraphs.)


Some companies have developed information or safety features to solve this deadly problem. By examining potential solutions offered by _____, _____, ______, and _____, parents will obtain the tools they need to keep their children safe.

Then make paragraphs about each company.

Your conclusion should restate the problem and the solutions in a slightly different way than when you presented it.

Good luck on your paper.


A few days ago
Professor K
I think you have a LOT of information in this brief paragraph—-

start off introducing the top of infant deaths in cars—cite statistics. THEN briefly describe the several alternatives that have been offered. Right now, this reads more like a conclusion than an introduction. Hope that helps!


A few days ago
old lady
…..material that can help make parents more aware of the dangers of leaving unattended children in vehicles, and help prevent such tragic, and needless losses, in the future.

Your intro is fine, but you sort of wander off at about line four, then pull it back together again.

Hope this helps.


A few days ago
barb j
I wouldn’t say airbags are more popular. How about more prevalent?