A few days ago

Please help me with this math problem!?

I have been trying to solve this problem for 2 hrs and still cant get it. Please explain how you got the answers.

Mary has been training for a race. When she first started training she ran at a constant speed for 1.5 hours straight before stopping to rest. Now she can run 3 miles per hour faster for 1.8 miles less than twice as far in the same amount of time. How fast did Mary run in miles per hour when she first started training? How far did Mary run when she first started training? How far can she run now at her faster speed? You must define your variable, create your system of equation.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This is hard problem. The most important thing to remember is the problem says she runs for the same amount of time. So I know in both situations she runs for 1.5 hours.

First, let x= initial mph and M= initial miles ran.

So its easy to see that

x mph * 1.5 hours = M miles

Now we are told that she has upped her speed by 3 mph

so now

(x+3)mph * 1.5 hours = 2M – 1.8 (remember she runs 1.8 miles less than twice the orig distance.)

Write both equations:

x*1.5 = M

(x+3)*1.5 = 2M-1.8

Distribute the second equation

1.5x + 4.5 = 2M – 1.8

Substitute the first equation into second (remember 1.5x=M)

M + 4.5 = 2M -1.8

Subtract M from both sides

4.5 = M – 1.8

Add 1.8 to both sides

6.3 = M

So her initial distance was 6.3 miles

Go back to the first equation

x*1.5 = M

x*1.5 = 6.3

x = 4.2 mph this was her initial speed.

Her new speed is 3 mph faster

4.2 + 3 = 7.2 mph

Her new distance is

1.5 * 7.2 = 10.8 miles

Take care!


A few days ago
This is obviously an algebra solve for “x” type of word problem. I can’t do your homework for you.

A few days ago
I’d tell you but it’s too involved…I would need payment…it’s definately a job