A few days ago

Please help me!!! Please??? It’s really important!!! Please?

Please find the answers to these riddles/questions/whatever they are!!! I have to turn this in on Friday, September 28!!!

# of dimples on a golf ball:

highest known prime number:

height of the tallest moutain in the world:

the rate at which fingernails grow per week:

the only planet that rotates clockwise:

how many minutes in an average school day:

highest paid NBA player and how much $ he earns per game:

# of stitches on a baseball:

# of miles around the planet Earth measuring at the equator:

# of miles planet Earth is from the sun:

average price for premium gas in alabama:

# of footballs required for each NFL game:

# of hearts an earthworm has:

average # of insects and spider an average person accidentally consumes in their lifetime while sleeping:

average # of hairs in one eyebrow:

# of steps on the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France:

average # of times per year that a person blinks:

# of ways you can make change for a dollar:

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You obviously have internet access since you’re on Y!A. You can find all these answers by doing web searches.

Learn to do your own homework.