A few days ago

math homework?

1. what is the mean of the squares of the the first 10 counting numbers?

2. the mean of 4 test scores is 90. what is the sum of the scores?

3. if the mean rainfall in New York City was 3.4 inches per month, what was the total rainfall for the year?


Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. First, add all the squares of the first ten numbers in the form (1² + 2² + 3²…). After that, divide your total by the number of numbers, namely, 10. (1² + 2² + 3²…/10)

2. The mean is an average. After all things considered are added together, you then divide by the number of things that were considered. In this instance, you need to do the reverse. 90 is the average; now multiply by 4 (90 * 4).

3. How many months are there in a year? Multiply that number by the average rainfall for each month.


A few days ago
Mean is what most people think of when they say “average”: the total sum of all the items, divided by the number of items/terms.

mean = [x1+ x2+x3…+xN] / N

Or, for simplicity’s sake here, mean = sum / (number of terms)

M = S/N

1). Mean= Unknown. Sum=the sum of the squares of the first ten counting numbers. Number of terms = 10.

M = [1² + 2² + 3² +4² +5² +6² +7² +8² +9² +10²]/10

= [1+4+9+16+25+36+49+64+81+100]/10

= [5+25+25+85+145+100]/10


=385/10 = 38.5

2. This time, we have the mean (90) and the number of terms (4), and need the sum (S) we divided.

M=S/N: Substitute in known values

90 = S/4: Multiply through by 4 to get rid of the division

360 = S

3. Mean=3.4. Number of Terms = number of months in a year (12). Sum = Total rain


3.4 = S/12

S=40.8 inches


A few days ago
Mean is average, right? That is, the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers, or the count.

You know how to square a number, right?

What are the first ten counting numbers?

1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 +….+10^2 = X

x/count (which is 10 here) = the mean

mean = x/count, so 90 = x/4

mean = x/count, so 3.4 = x/12


A few days ago
Shakespeare Chick
1. just take each number and square it, and then add them together, that would be:


now just divide the sum by the amount of numbers, whatever that all equals, divided by 10

2. ok, for this one the problem is essentially (a+b+c+d) divided by 4 which equalls 90. so you take 90 and multiply it by 4 and that is your answer

3. well, there are only 12 months in a year, so you would take 3.4 and multiply it by 12. i think that that is your answer…..

(im less sure about this one)

hope that i could help. 🙂


A few days ago
Easy as pie.

1. (1+4+9+16+25+36+49+64+81+100)= 285/10= 28.5

2. 360

3. 40.8


A few days ago
Nessie H
Not sure about the first one…but I think it would be

Mean is the average of a group of numbers

#1. 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100 which would make the mean 38.3

#2 would be 360

#3 3.4 x 12=40.8


A few days ago
12 mths in a yr.. i think you should mulitiply 3.4in * 12mths= total rainfall for this yr.

A few days ago
1. 38.5

2. 270

3. 40.8


A few days ago
i hate math SO much