A few days ago

Please help me in this math problem..It’s about analytic geometry?

1. a point moves so that it is always equidistant fr. (-5,5) and

(-2,2). find the equation of its locus…..

2. find the equation of the locus of a point w/c moves so that its distance fr. (1,-7) is always 5…

I have not attended this afternoon class because we were excused in doing our science investigatory project..your help will be much appreciated..please include the solution..10 points who can answer this correctly as soon as possible..Thanks!!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

For the 1st one……

use the distance formula……its the shortest way…..

Let the coordinates of that point be (x,y)


square root of……..{ [x-(-5)] to the power 2……plus (y-5) to the power 2 } will be equal to

square root of…….{ [x-(-2)] to the power 2…..plus (y-2) to the power 2 }……..equate the two…..and get an equation in terms of x and y…….that is the locus….!!!!

For the 2nd….


square root of……..{ (x-1) to the power 2……plus [y-(-7)] to the power 2 } will be equal to 5.

Again u get an equation…..which is the locus…!!!!


4 years ago
provided that ABC is a triangle. Whoose verices A(2,5) , B(4,-3) , C(-4 , a million) Meadian is a line phase from a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the alternative component right here you prefer discover the equation of meadian from the vertex B to the alternative component AC midpoint of the component AC = ((2+ (-4))/2 , (5+a million)/2) = (-2/2 , 6/2) = (-a million,3) { interior the above i used the formulation for midpoint of linesegment = ( ( x1+x2)/2 , (y1+y2)/2 ) } midpoint of the component AC, D = (-a million , 3) {call the midpoint as D} slope of the meadian BD = (-3-3) / (4-(-a million)) = -6/5 {interior the above i used the formulation for the slope of line = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) } now the equation of the meadian BD :- (y- (-3) ) = -6/5 (x – 4) {interior the above i used the line equation slope – component formulation (y-y1) = m (x-x1) } equation of the meadian :- 5(y+3) = -6 (x – 4) 5y + 15 = -6x +24 6x + 5y +15 – 24 =0 6x +5y -9 =0 so the equation of the meadian type B to AC is 6x +5y -9 =0

A few days ago
hey your question is easy but i cant show the solution here. it is quite hard to type the equations including the step by step solution. if u want u can email me at [email protected]

ill show you how to do it? ok?