A few days ago

Ok I need help with an essay that i have to write…?

I have an essay due tuesday for American History honors and i don’t know how to start it or how to get the information i need…

The topic is the fallowing:

Although new england and the chesapeake region were both settled by people of english origin, by 1700’s the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. Why did their difference in development occur?

Ok anyone have any idea of how i’m gonna do this.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. and i really need help cuz i don’t know how to start it.. i’m just stuck….




Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Jeanne B

Favorite Answer





These are just a start. Another great place to get help is from your research librarian in the college library, or your local public library. After you have done some research, take what you have back to your teacher and ask for more help, she or he will be glad to help you find more information.