A few days ago

need help with memorizing?

when i try to memorize things for bio and spanish it is so hard. its like i remember them for 1 hour then i forget it the next day. whats wrong with me can you please help i tried everything from flashcards and stuff. maybe that i have self defeat or something what do i do i might have short term memory lost but i dont think i do because i can memorize the things i want to and spanish isnt one of them how can i make it one of them thanks

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You have to memorize for a period of time. Memorizing short term will only remember for a short term, try memorizing for 15 minutes a day like for a week and it should be good.

A few days ago
honestly you just need to make sure that you are looking at them often enough. every night before you go to bed until you can do it without looking. be able to know the words that you cant say in eng and then their translations without even needing flashcards to quiz yourself. memorize it all until you know it by heart then take a 5 min break then do it again. keep going through it and take out the ones you know until the ones you dont know are left and just keep going over it. repeat it to yourself instead of just not knowing and flipping over the flash card. make yourself repeat it.

A few days ago
hmm maybe memory by association like theres something im memorizing for a test tomorrow.. four steps in something. first is organizing then preparing then focusing then maintaining… i thought of it like its almost like the word open lol.. o p f m LOL.. i know thats crazy but it works. ok and for biology when i was studying like the parts of the cell. id count them all……. and remember that number then take the first letter in each word and make a sentance out of it. even if the sentance was stupid. id remember it cause it was stupid. good luck and keep trying– also for big tests id write the stuff out BIG like not on lil note cards for flash cards but on full sized paper and stick them all over my walls a few days before. it was all i saw before bed and in the morning lol

A few days ago
Get, read and practice the techniques for memory improvement given in Tony Buzan’s books.





A few days ago
You need to keep writing them down and read to yourself each time you write. It will help.